In 2006, a joint initiative of the three Mayors of the Province, the Ministry of Environment, Alianza Bocas and the Sustainable Development Program of Bocas del Toro, promoted the signing of a cooperation agreement between the parties to resolve the problem of solid waste in the region.

At the same time, a community was created, unprecedented in the country, of the three municipalities of the province of Bocas del Toro: Changuinola, Chiriquí Grande and Bocas del Toro, which have come together to develop and implement a Solid Wastes Management Plan.

The signatories of the agreement met monthly to develop a work plan to carry out this important effort. From there emerges a summarized guide of the stages necessary for its execution.

These stages were:

1.- Selection and acquisition of land where the Sanitary Landfill will be built.
2.- Feasibility study and information gathering.
3.- Environmental Education Campaigns on the topic.
4.- Develop and execute pilot plans for the recycling and disposal of recyclable waste.
5.- Develop and execute plans for the collection of solid waste.
6.- Construction of the necessary facilities and acquisition of equipment for the Sanitary Landfill.
7.- Execute a pilot for the use of the Sanitary Landfill.
8.- Sanitation of the current landfills.

Unfortunately, the project was abandoned with stages 1 and 2 completed, and to this day (2023) it has not been resumed, despite its excellence. Things about politics and politicians.