This Network of ALIANZA BOCAS, formed by young people from various member organizations of our coalition, headed by REFCA, has as its most important objective the involvement of the youth of our province, especially the components of indigenous peoples, in defense issues of the environment and to ensure healthy ecosystems for their own future that will allow them to live in a dignified and healthy way.
The Reforesting Central America Campaign, an initiative that was born in Guatemala in 2009 and will soon spread to all the countries of the region, has seen how our Network takes an active part in the activities carried out in the province of Bocas del Toro, Panama. commitment and all this led by Young people who managed trees, transport of volunteers, land and food to go out to reforest on June 25, the peak moment of the Campaign when, together with the other countries of the region, they joined with the objective of making Central America greener and more sustainable.
The Provincial Coordination of Bocas del Toro promoted 6 Reforestation Days during the Campaign and on June 25, in the retaining wall of the Sixaola River, in the Corregimiento of Guabito, 2,200 trees of fruit, timber and native species were planted, since This area was identified as vulnerable to flooding.
Finally Bocas del Toro and all of Panama said "I WANT LIFE" with the Reforesting Central America Campaign.
Coordinator of the Youth Network of Alianza Bocas: